Liz Miles


Start off at the beginning. Where were you born and raised? 

I was born and raised in Fresno, California, a family of five kids. My father, who figures in the story of the bit, was captain of the track team at Cal. Class of '32, '33. His mentor was Brutus Hamilton. The way my father revered him and my father didn't revere people, You know, just because we're just Hamilton was the type of coach we all want. You know, he was he was a mentor. He was kind and he was a superb coach. 

Did you participate in any sports in high school? 

I did. By high school. I was playing tennis. I was on the tennis team at Fresno High. I was, you know, reasonably good for a Fresno high school tennis. I had a lot of power and a lot of athleticism. You know, I just bashed the hell out of the ball and just had fun. And I think for about 5 minutes I was the number one single  tennis player in high school tennis in Fresno. I didn't know how to have and I didn't particularly get coached, now I look in retrospect, on how to teach my brain how to manage competition. That's one of the things I got out of rowing. I had to teach my brain. It was a self taught process, but I was older and more self aware.I swam a little bit. Then I think I stopped swimming by high school. But I swam enough to respect swimming as a sport, but I realized that it wasn't for me. I said, I think I'm too dense. 

Liz Miles at Briones